Sunday, November 2, 2014

          I came to the United States when I was 6 years old and lived here ever since. My parents have been supporting me throughout my school years since I was a little a boy. Moving from Korea to LA, I struggled academically when I was younger, consistently getting 3s (B) throughout most of my elementary school years. But in the 5th grade I started to raise my grade little by little and by the end of elementary, more than half of my grades were 4s(As). Finally I graduated elementary school in 2008 and went on to middle school.
          John Burroughs middle school was where I chose to go and I'll be honest, it was hard. In the 6th grade I had a few Cs which brought me back to where I started. The new teachers I had were not the right teachers for me, their teaching methods did not match with the way I learn. It was a very difficult year for me , but I got through it and raised all of my grades and got 5 As with 1 B. Then there was 7th and 8th grade which was not as hard as 6th grade but it wasn't easy either. I was never a smart kid, even till this day I am not, but I was always a diligent worker which led me to my first straight A's in the 8th grade, which was a very big accomplishment for me. Getting straight A's felt really good and I wanted to earn it more and more, so I decided to make that my goal in high school.
          Fairfax High School was a new start with a new school. I was a very chubby kid when I was in middle school so I decided to lose some weight during the summer break of 8th before I went on to high school, but it didn't happen. Then my freshman year was over and then I was very determined to lose weight and become healthier. That summer I lost 30 pounds and I felt like a new person. Since then my hobbies were going to the gym and swimming. Then I came back in the 10th grade feeling fresh. I really enjoyed my first 2 years of high school but I also kept up with my grades. The goal that I made in middle school became a reality in high school, in the 10th grade I got straight As for the entire first semester, so now I feel that getting straight A's is a must rather than an accomplishment. Now I strive to get good grades. This is now my junior year and it is time for me to really start focusing on my academics and start preparing for college. I want to do the best I can in high school so I can get into a very good college but I still try to have a balanced life with school and exercising.
          The college I want to go to USC, NYU, or University of Pennsylvania. The reason being is because I want to become a business major. I had my major set for about 2 years now and I have done a lot business programs. In these programs I was the CEO of my company and led my team to victory in the regional competition in California. Then we went to international competition and met may people there. It was a very interesting experience and it took a lot of work but now I have a general idea of how the business world works, which got me even more interested in it. I want to become the CEO of a big company and help people with the money I make and by giving job opportunities to the ones in need. This is the future I chose and this is the future I will work for.

           I don't know why but even as a little boy I worried about my future. I did not want to end up a bum or even just an average person; I've always wanted to be something big so that I can put my parents at ease and also to support my future family. I am not too sure about how I will end up in the future but I am going to try my best in the present so that when I get older I won't have any regrets. I was always taught to be a leader and not a follower, so that is why I believe that I have this ambition to become the CEO of a big corporation. I want to be someone that others can look up to and follow so that is why I am going to give it my all and try my best in everything I do to become the successful man that I have always dreamt on being. I have this belief that if you put your sweat, emotion, and work into what you are doing the money or good results are soon to follow with your actions. This is why I want to give it my all when I am still young and I still have many opportunities.

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