2: Abigail Adams
In 1780, Abigail
Adams wrote to her son John Quincy Adams while he was overseas with his father,
before he became president. In the letter Abigail uses metaphors, logical
comparisons, and talks about how John can use his talent out in the world and
during difficult times.
Abigail Adams
wrote to John in a kind manner rather trying to reprimand him of how he should
be using his talents. She said “Your knowledge of language must give you
greater advantages.” Which indicates that she knows that he will do well in his
trip. She tells him that he has natural talents to build his confidence and
help him recognize those talents. Abigail uses the metaphor “older and wiser”
which means that his knowledge will grow and become great as he matures.
Abigail uses
logical comparison to give John an idea of how he should work and behave during
the voyage and throughout his life. The caring mother compares a judicious
traveler to a river. She said that even a wise traveler can not find his way
through the woods as smoothly as a river can. Adams want her son to be as
smooth and fluent as a river. She wants him to know that being fluent and
smooth is greater that being wise. She hopes that he will become diligent and
mature from this trip.
Adams talk about
the difficulties that he will be facing. She gives him solutions on ways to
conquer those difficulties with his natural talents. She implies that he is a
genius like Licero and that “ the habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending
with difficulties.” Abigail tells him that some of the struggles will be as big
as “war, desolation, and tyranny.” But she tells him his talents, especially
being articulate in language will allow him to conquer those difficulties and
become “Almighty.”
Adams wrote to her son John Quincy Adams to help him recognize his gifts. She
did not know that John will be something as great as president but she did know
that the way he was and raised will guarantee a bright and successful future
ahead of him.