Thursday, February 26, 2015

Descriptive Essay
         Winter break, a short but very productive time off. In that short period, I traveled to Las Vegas and Pasadena. This was the time for me to relax and just get everything off my mind. I waited for my trip to Vegas for a long time even when I was still attending school. The first semester a junior was worn out, stressed, and sick of it. The great thing about going away from your home is because it truly lets you feel that you are in vacation and really enjoy yourself.
        The first semester of junior year has got to be the most stressful time of my life. I was exhausted and lived a very monotonous life for about 5 months. It was the same routine every day, wake up, go to school, come home, study, eat, exercise, and sleep. There nothing new and it became a drag. But when first semester ended, I was free from the boring routines and the stress from school. When I am out of school, I do nothing related to school. I do not even hang out with my friends from school because it makes me feel like I am at school. I needed to get away from Los Angeles and go somewhere, where I won't see anyone I know. On the first week of break, I set off to my destination with my family. I am not one who would usually enjoy going on a trip with my family but for some reason it was different this year. I wanted to leave and I was looking forward to this family trip.
          It was finally the day, December 24, the day I head off to my somewhat paradise. I packed all my belongings, loaded onto the car and then we set off. As soon as I left my home, I left all of my worries and work behind as well. I was completely care free and did not have any burden on my shoulders. I for one do not enjoy long drives but I loved this one. The 5 hour ride where I can do anything I want but I fell asleep. I woke up and we arrived at In-n-Out, I usually do not eat fast food but I didn't care. I ate 2 burgers and 2 fries and when I returned to my car, I opened up my bag of Lays and Funyuns and started to feast on that. We then drove for about 2 and a half hours, then we arrived to the place where I can relax, eat, and play, Las Vegas.
         As I entered the bright street of Vegas it was truly magnificent. All of the buildings were shimmering with multi colored LED lights, Chinese tourists were taking pictures, the trucks had pictures of naked women pasted onto the side of it, and there were little hispanic people passing out little fliers for strip clubs. Yup, this was Vegas. It was not my first time going to Vegas, but it was my first time admiring the buildings and the shows that were occurring around the city. I had a great view of the city from my hotel which made it even more exciting. I saw all of the hotels such as MGM, Bellagio, and even Caesar's Palace from my room. Then I soon fell asleep anticipating what is going to happen the next day. The next dat I watched a show called the O show. It considered Vegas' best well known and most sold show. The show was marvelous, there were many talented acrobats that did acts that were out of this world. There people dressed as fictional characters from the Medieval times who were flying around the entire place. This show was truly amazing, it showed me that there was more to this Earth than bums and drug addicts. My last few days were extravagant and carefree then I went back home to start on my duties again.

       This trip has got to be my most memorable one yet. Not because I went to Las Vegas but because I now understood what it meant to be in vacation and why people need to lay back and relax. But I also learned that if my life was carefree forever it would make me into someone that doesn't care about his future. When I was on vacation I felt too relaxed and sort of wanted to have the nervousness that I feel when I go to school. If I don't then I will become a mindless zombie that just roams around this Earth.  

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